Betty Bearcat - The Electronic Frequency Directory
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346 lines
1 Cardiac 23 Dizziness, Fainting, Weakness
2 Breathing 24 Fever
3 Head, Neck, Or Spine 25 Unconscious
4 Poison 26 Patient Trapped Or Pinned
5 Large Blood Loss 27 Amputation
6 Fracture 28 Electrical Shock
7 Patient Doing Well 29 Internal Injuries
8 Domestic Accident 30 Train Wreck
9 Industrial Accident 31 Drunk
10 Dead On Arrival 32 Drunk Driver
11 C.V.A (cerebrovasular 33 Plane Crash
accident-stroke) 34 Contagious Disease
12 O.D (overdose) 35 Fall
13 General Illness 36 Shock
14 O.B (pregnancy) 37 Laceration
15 Seizure 44 Stabbing
16 Abdominal 45 Shooting
17 Drowning 49 Mental Patient
18 Undetermined Emergency-- 51 Fire, Burn
Advise Office 52 Auto Accident
19 Diabetic 53 Attempted Suicide
20 Explosion
21 Assault, Beating Code 1 Immediate Transfer
22 Unruly Patient Code 2 Emergency (lights & siren)
Signal I Information Concerning Ticket
Signal S Stand-By
Signal P Prank
Signal H Hazardous Situation, Use Caution
20 Highway Emergency 55 Boy Annoying
21 Runaway Juvenile 56 Traffic Congestion
22 Discharging Firearm 57 Bad Street Condition
23 Damage To Property 58 Call Dispatcher
24 Vandalism 59 Person With Weapon
25 Missing Person 60 Officer Needs Assistance
26 Reckless Driving 61 Dead Person, Call Coronor
27 Public Service 62 Injured Person
28 Unidentified Problem 63 Dog Complaint
31 Drunk 64 Attempted Suicide
32 Drunk Driver 65 Found Item
33 Hit & Run Driver 66 Lost Child
34 Prowler 67 Kidnapping
35 Suspicious Person 68 Reported Drowning
36 Fight 69 Alarm
37 Family Trouble 70 Loose Livestock
38 Mad Dog 71 Bomb Threat
39 Payroll Transport 72 Bank Alarm
40 Disorderly Person 73 Demented Person
41 Burglary 74 Racial Disturbance
42 Holdup 75 Suspicious Vehicle
43 Assault 76 Abandoned Vehicle
44 Stabbing 77 Rape Or Sexual Assault
45 Shooting 78 Homicide
46 Larceny 79 Door To Door Salesman
47 Purse Snatcher 80 Vehicle Chase
48 Stolen Car 81 Road Block Assignment
51 Fire
52 Auto Accident
53 Suicide
54 Investigation
10-1 Call By Phone (specify whom)
10-2 Involved In Accident (specify Condition)
10-3 Police 10-3A Or 10-3B
10-3A Used When Police Are Needed To Disperse An Unruly Crowd
10-3B Used When A Crowd Becomes Hostile Or When Violence Occurs
10-4 Message Received
10-5 Emergency Unit Or Ambulance Requested (specify FD, NOPD Ambulance)
10-6 In Service In Quarters
10-7 Out Of Service
10-8 In Service On Radio
10-9 Bomb Threat
10-10 Public Service (specify gas or electric)
10-12 Repeat Message
10-13 Fire Prevention Inspector Requested
10-14 Company On Scene
10-15 Photographer Needed
10-16 State Fire Marshal Needed
10-17 Building Inspector Needed
10-18 Police Tow Truck Needed
10-19 Mechanic Needed (specify needed)
10-20 What Is Your Location?
10-21 Stand By For Additional Information
10-22 Check Origin Of Call
10-23 Holding All Companies For Investigation
10-24 Holding Specified Companies (fire communication will return)
10-25 False Alarm
10-25A Unnecessary Alarm
10-26 Working Fire (give nature of fire)
10-27 Can Handle (specify nature of fire, fire alarm, return all others)
10-28 Return To Quarters
10-29 Fire Under Control
10-30 Fire Out/Cancel Fire
10-31 Fatality (fire alarm will notify police)
10-32 District Chiefs On Duty Report To HQ
10-33 District Chiefs Needed (specify reason)
10-34 Extra Company On 1-11 (report to district chief)
10-35 Units Dispatched To Fire Scene To Await Further Instructions
10-50 Operation Foamite
10-60 Dangerous Chemicals/Spill (use caution)
10-500 Enemy Attack
10-600 Civil Disaster, Operation Alert, Three Tones On Radio, Then
10-700 Civil Disaster, Operation Activate, Four Tones On Radio, Then
10-800 Natural Disaster, Operation Alert, Three Tones On Radio, Then
10-900 Natural Disaster, Operation Activate, Four Tones On Radio, Then
1 Tone Single Company Or Assignment
2 Tones Box Alarm
3 Tones 2-11 Or Greater
14 Ambulance Enroute 65 Simple Robbery
15 Citizens Holding Suspect 65P Purse Snatching
17F Fugitive Attachment 66 Extortion (threats)
17M Municipal Court Attachment 67 Thefts
17T Traffic Attachment 67A Auto Theft
18 Traffic Incidents (other 67B Theft Of Bicycle
those designated by signal) 67C Theft From Interior Of Auto
19 Drunk 67P Pickpocket
20 Auto Accident 67S Shoplifting
20A Airplane Crash 68 Unauthorized Use Of Movables
20F Fatal Accident 69 Possession Of Stolen Property
20I Injury Accident 71 Issuing Worthless Checks
21 Complaint 72 Forgery
22 Disperse Subject 80 Carnal Knowledge Of A Juvenile
23 Traffic Congestion 81 Indecent Behavior
24 Medical Emergency 82 Prostituation
25 Call Dispatcher 83 Soliciting For Prostitution
26 Meet A Police Officer 84 Pandering
27 Attempt Crime 87 Abortion
28 Inciting A Felony 89 Crime Against Nature
29 Death 90 Gambling
29S Suicide 90C Gambling By Cards
30 Homicide 90D Gambling With Dice
30C Homicide By Cutting 90H Gambling By Handbook
30S Homicide By Shooting 90L Gambling By Lottery
34 Aggravated Battery 90P Gambling By Pinball
34C Aggravated Cutting 91 Unlawful Sales To Minors
34S Aggravated Shooting 92 Contributing To The Delinquency
35 Simple Battery 93 Cruelty To Juveniles
37 Aggravated Assault 94 Illegal Use Of Weapons (firearms)
38 Simple Assault 94F Fireworks
39 Negligent Injury 95 Illegal Carrying Of Weapons
42 Aggravated Rape 95G Illegal Carrying Of Weapons (guns)
43 Simple Rape 95K Illegal Carrying Of Weapons(knife)
44 Aggravated Kidnapping 97 Picketing
45 Simple Kidnapping 98 D.W.I.
51 Aggravated Arson 99 Reckless Driving
51B Bomb Scare 100 Hit & Run
52 Simple Arson 101 Desecration Of Graves
52E Explosion 102 Cruelty To Animals (mad animals)
53F Fire 103D Disturbance
54 Placing Combustible Material 103F Fight
58 Contaminating Water Supplies 103M Mental
59 Criminal Mischief 103R Riot
59P Taking Temporary Possession 106 Obscenity (exposing person, etc)
60 Aggravated Burglary 107 Suspicious Person
62 Simple Burglary 108 Officer Needs Assistance (danger)
62A ADT (silent alarm) 109 Aggravated Escape
62B Business Burglar